90% less


manual tasks

360° Surveys


Employee Pulse Surveys


Employee Experience Surveys



NPS Surveys


Participant mapping automation

Participants choose their respondents, or you upload the mapping via an Excel sheet.

Automated reminders and escalations

Pre-set reminders and escalations; no more manual follow-ups.

Survey reports automation

Reports update in real-time and are viewable or downloadable as PDFs per users’ convenience.

Integrated participant IDP creation

An integrated tool for participants to capture their action plans, including start and end dates.

Post-survey change data capture

Capture data that the change has affected post the participants’ IDP implementation.

Cohort-based cumulative reports for HR / Admin

Generate reports for cohorts of your choice using our report filter option.

desIntuitive UI

Build Your Surveys

desMultiple question types
desQuestionniare design assistance
desReadymade questionnaires.

Set Up and Launch Surveys​

Automated survey mappingdes
Pre-set launch and reminder communicationdes
Automated reminders and escalationsdes
desAutomated survey mapping
desPre-set launch and reminder communication
desAutomated reminders and escalations
desAutomated reports

Generate Reports

desParticipants download their reports
desSurvey completion status reports
desCohort-based reports

Drive Learning and Change​

Integrated IDP capturedes
Track IDP implementationdes
Adaptive microlearning contentsdes
Capture data on change affected.des
des Integrated IDP capture

desTrack IDP implementation

desAdaptive microlearning contents
desCapture data on change affected.

Trusted by

Book a Demo

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Book a Demo

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter a number from 1000000000 to 9999999999.

Client Speak



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Idea Challenges


Corporate Social Responsibility

Author: Admin

End Time: 04/30/2024 12:00 am
