employee pulse survey

Obtain deep employee insights;


Easy survey creation

Multiple question types

Single choice, multiple choice, free-text, sorting matrix, etc. Choose from over multiple question types.

Questionniare design assistance

Reach out to our experts for help with questionnaire design.

Choose from our existing questionnaire bank

Competency-based surveys? Category-based surveys? We’ve got you covered.

Intuitive survey interfaces

Your users will love our survey look-and-feel and intuitiveness.


Easy survey mapping

Stress-free survey mapping
Upload an Excel with the survey participants and respondent details. Or,  allow participants to invite respondents. 

Communication, reminder and escalation automation

Pre-schedule your invites, reminders and escalations; let automation manage these for you.

Pre-create and schedule your invite, reminder and escalation communication. Let the system auto-invite, track completion, and auto-remind laggards to complete the survey.

Stress-free survey rollouts!

Auto-generated reports​

Reports auto-populate in real-time as respondents fill in the survey.

Easy-to-understand reports

Reports are in an easy-to- navigate-through and understand format.

Admin reports

Each participant downloads their report from a dashboard.

  • Survey completion status reports
  • Cohort-based reports

Intuitive, Easy-to-Follow Interactive Reports

Trusted by

Client Speak



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Please enter a number from 1000000000 to 9999999999.


Unmatched Features:

  1. Automated mapping of survey participants to respondents (participants manage this themselves, or you do so via an Excel upload)
  2. Ease of survey questionnaire creation
  3. Easy to navigate UI
  4. Automated reminders and escalations
  5. Automated report creation
  6. Easy-to-understand reports(in an easy-to-navigate HTML format, and not lengthy PDF reports, though once you are done viewing the reports, you can also download them as a PDF)
  7. Cohort-based reports for admin
  8. Automated IDP development and tracking Etc.

Unmatched Admin Support:

We can manage the entire survey admin process for you, including:

  1. Survey set-up,
  2. Launch,
  3. Reminders, escalations
  4. Report creation
  5. Final PowerPoint deck creation

Unmatched Cost Effectiveness:

  1. Run unlimited surveys, year-round, for a fixed price (less than what you would pay for a single 360 survey assignment)

Please get in touch with us to learn more.

Yes, to both the questions.
  1. You can choose from our bank of readymade survey questionnaires. Please reach out to us to discuss your requirements.
  2. The tool also allows you to build your own survey questionnaires.
Two options here:
  1. You can do so yourself (the system is intuitive, and we’ll also conduct training for your admin team)
  2. We can manage all survey-related admin functions for you

You get different report types  –

note: all our reports are automated and do not require any manual intervention from you to create  – based on the survey type. Please refer to the notes below for details.


  • For 360 Surveys

             For the participant:

    1. An HTML-format report of their survey scores (we’d love to demo the report to you; please get in touch with us)

             For the admin:

    1. Survey completion status reports
    2. Cohort-based reports providing an overview of scores for a cohort of your choice; you choose your cohorts using filters (we’d love to demo the report to you; please get in touch with us)
  • For Employee Pulse Surveys
    1. Survey completion status reports
    2. Cohort-based reports providing an overview of scores for a cohort of your choice; you choose your cohorts using filters
    3. Scores for a given category or competency (a category or competency can be made up of multiple questions from the questionnaire)


  • For NPS Surveys
    1. Survey completion status reports
    2. Cohort-based reports providing an overview of NPS scores for a cohort of your choice; you choose your cohorts using filters
  • Two ways: Participants get a dashboard allowing them to choose and invite their desired respondents to fill in the survey
  • You upload the survey mapping via an Excel sheet Both these ensure less administrative work for you for survey mapping.
Step 1: You pre-create reminders and escalation from the survey set-up admin dashboard.
Step 2: You pre-set the reminder and escalation frequency
Step 3: Kick back and relax (the system auto-follows up with laggards and escalates the matter with their managers based on the follow-up frequency mandated)
  • 360° Surveys
  • Employee Pulse Surveys
  • Employee Experience Surveys
  • NPS Surveys
  • Competency-based surveys
  • Training effectiveness surveys
  • Mood-o-meters Etc.
  • You can run unlimited surveys year-round for a fixed price (less than what you would pay for a single 360 survey assignment).
  • We set up a branded (white-labelled) survey portal for you. Your portal will be hosted on a virtual private cloud (meaning the server is not shared with any other client, thus allowing for maximum security and data privacy)
  • We charge a monthly fee for unlimited use of the tool Please get in touch with us for more details related to our pricing structure.

Idea Challenges


Corporate Social Responsibility

Author: Admin

End Time: 04/30/2024 12:00 am
